Wednesday, December 30, 2009


When life gives you lemons, learn some magic and make strawberry milk.

Then walk around with a pink milk moustache.

Speaking of moustaches, Moustachette! Haha.

I am yelling at a bee!

(Yes, dear. I realise I am copying you. This can just be payback for you spamming my post.)

Oh 2009, 2009, where for art thou?

A year of coffee addictions, literature quotations.
A year of tears and fears and beers and Lears.
A year of free lessons that could have been much better spent.
A year of SENIORS, splashed across our chests.
A year of aging and maturing... and evidently lying.
A year of pure madness, pure insanity, pure joy.

(Also a year of damn good television a la TBYG ♥)

2009. I'm-kinda-sad-that-now-it's-overface.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Rubik's Cube, Rollerskates

iPods, Dire Straits
Harry Potter, fluffy toys
Paris Hilton kissing boys
Space hopper, Hippy
Adam Ant, playing Wii
Techno, Disco
iSnack 2.0
Farnsey, Barnsey
80's pop, Hip-hop
Sergeant Pepper, and the Doors
Woodstock, Star Wars
Beehives, McEnroe
Emo, Tivo
Talkin' bout Your Gen
Brand new in 2010

So maybe I don't know all the words... but I turn that ad up everytime it's on.

TBYG ♥. Happyface.

... :O EEEEEEEEEEEEPPPP. There's an extended version...???!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009


I can smell bacon. But not even good bacon.

It's not that delicious smell that wakes you up on Sunday morning and you realise a yummy breakfast will await you if you are willing to drag yourself out of bed.

It's the chemically, artificial, horrid smell of those bacon flavoured biscuits. Oh, how I hate bacon flavoured biscuits.

In non-meat related news, number 14 on my chocolate advent calender is a lantern.

It's funny (to me at the very least). When my mum bought advent calenders for my sisters but not me, I put on the sad act and acted all devastated that I was apparently "too old" for an advent calender until Mum went back out and bought me one. Now that I have it, I only eat out of it about as often as I blog.

I suppose that's why only kids get them. Us oldies don't have enough time to keep up to date with them. However, on the upside, forgetting about the advent calender means that when you do remember it you get 4 or 5 at a time. :)

Oh being old is grand, as is being in love.

*sigh* I wish you weren't so shy. That would make my cowardice less of an issue. All yesterday I considered just e-mailing you but I can't do that. That's would be the easy coward's way out.

'Aimee, you are a coward...'

Shut up voice.

I can still smell bacon. Nose-wrinkled-up-in-disgustface.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How to...

tell that your parents are even more addicted to Facebook than you are.

Dad: "Why aren't you eating your capsicum?"
Aimee: "I'm not really a fan of capsicum." /flicks more to the side of plate
Dad: "Then maybe you should join..."

I look up at my dad to see him grinning from ear to ear.

Facebook references are even better when made by parents.

It's been almost two weeks since I blogged last. That's like half a month!

Yikes! I fail. So here is what has happened since...

I graduated, and there isn't really a point in saying that I got the community service award, because my mum has already told everyone.

Eskimo #1: "Hey, did you here Aimee won the community service award?"
Eskimo #2: "Who's that?"
Eskimo #1: "Dude, I don't even know..."

Then I dressed up all fancy, strapped my ankles in for a night of discomfort and partied my way through formal. I was the mean customer who was all: "Excuse. This steak is cold."
Because it was. They served it to our table while we were out getting our photos done. Pssssshh.

Then last Saturday night I went to the Drive-In (insert giant love-heart here) and saw New Moon. The thing about it is that I saw it with 5 guys, two of them had already seen it, and it wasn't even my idea. I sadly have to say... I enjoyed the movie. Damn you Taylor "takes-his-shirt-off-and-makes-me-like-the-film" Lautner.

That reminds me... Anyone who can come to my house and say Lautner to my sister without her yelling at you like "ehhhhhhh!!! That's not how you pronounce it!!!"... I'll give you 5 bucks.

But anyway, I love the drive-in. Laying on picnic rugs, wrapped up in my friend's jumper because I forgot mine, eating candy while a determined-to-be-annoying rock constantly jabs into my hip... *sigh*

Then on Tuesday I saw Paranormal Activity. If you haven't already seen it...
DON'T SEE IT!!! It has successfully given me two nights full of nightmares.

Last night I was almost pleased that Andy decided to ring me at some ungodly hour, being the annoying goob he is. He woke me up from the worst nightmare yet.

Yesterday my car broke down. Something about the ignition modulator... I act like I'm some super cool girl who knows about cars, but really 'ignition modulator' sounds like 'lkjwasakjdsmngdhnwal' to me. :P

Finally, today I spent almost the whole day in the city. First up I had my Dental Surgery at Adelaide Uni interview (everyone cross your eyes and fingers for me).

Then Mum and I shopped till our little hearts' content. Ohh!! My Christmas shopping is all done. I'll have to let Dan know I actually bought him something... He kept asking me what I wanted for Christmas, pointing things out, asking prodding questions etc. So I had to be all: "You're not allowed to buy me anything, because I am too poor to buy you anything." *sigh* Those damn rich boys. Why do they have to be so damn adorable? So now he is allowed to spend $1.99 on me, because it's what I spent on him. :D

Hmmm. Long blog. I suppose it was necessary.

Rainy days in the city. Happyface.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Balls of feet aching for speed.
Hands freezing around a McDonald's strawberry thickshake.
Ears loving those Summer Love Songs.
Cheeks lit by flashes of moonlight between the trees.

Gosh, I love the Southern Expressway in the early hours of the morning.

Jaime's in love. Summerlovedrunkface.

(P.S. The colour of Edward Cullen's socks. Suggestions?)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

a 3am string of green lights in a row

I'm Love Love Love Drunk.

You gotta love my clever combining of Heart Heart Heartbreak and Love Drunk :)

Oh!!! We set up our Christmas tree today :D

Our lounge room floor now looks like the Tinsel Monster threw up :)

Hmm.. Haven't blogged in a while. I don't really have an excuse.

My excuse would have been that for three days I went "camping" but in the end I woosed out of sleeping in the tent because of the thunder storm and we just stayed inside with the tv and facebook the whole time. Photos on facebook. :)

Lately I have been helping out a friend deliver leaflets (in truth I did this twice so far).

*swoon* I love this Boys Like Girls / Taylor Swift stuff *swoons more*

Anyway, this leaflet delivering has formed a severe severe passionate rage inside me. It's a little frightening, actually. People with small, odd-shaped, or crumbling to pieces letterboxes annoy me. Grrrrrrrrr. Get better letterboxes.

Oh. I should make up some leaflets advertsing a letterbox shop, and I'll put one in all those letterboxes for those people :)

I'm glad I have work tomorrow. There is only so much Farmtown and Dr. Phil a girl can take. I love Dr. Phil's moustache. I wanna give it a hug. Still, staying home all day is boring.

I bought my skirt for Valedictory today. I love business attire. ♥

Summer radio, fireworks of the patio. Lovedrunkface.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I feel a theme coming on...

I heard a very inspirational story today.

A guy from my church, Josh, has been doing odd jobs to try to raise money so that he can go on a mission next year. Recently he did some odd jobs for our church's pastor, Harry.

Harry wanted him to clean up one side of his house and clean the windows on that side. Knowing that there were lots of spiders down there, he armed Josh with a can of bug spray.

A while later Josh reappeared having finished that job, and handed Harry back the can of bug spray. Noticing that the can was now completely empty, Harry became suspicious of something that Josh's dad later confirmed for him.

Josh is chronically afraid of spiders.

Despite this Josh did the job he was asked to do and didn't complain once.

I really admire Josh's attitude. I think it is one that alot of people could benefit from having.

Amazing people like Josh. Inspiredface.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Thank you everyone who came to my party.
Thank you for the presents and well wishing cards.
Most of all thank you for your presence and making it an awesome day for me. :)

Hello four months of freedom. I'm going to learn a language. I'm going to take up a sport. I'm going to consider telling him how I feel. Considering is a step! :D

It never felt right calling this just friends. I am still addicted to Nothing Personal (yet).

Dah dah dah... I wanna fall so in love, with you and noone else. 'Cept I can think of one important someone else... Re-written lyrics:

I wanna fall so in love, with you (and my Lord).

Ah much better. Come over for some more muffin-baking/ beating-me-in-Scrabble-by-one-point? 239/238

Pretty sure you haven't read my blog in forever.... Dammit. If you read it all the times, I could still be a coward but use this... 'Cept if I thought you did read it, I am positive this wouldn't be here.


Lustaphobia. Lustingface.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Left ankle meet right ankle.
Wrist bone meet pocketed phone.
Thighes and toes meet mosquitoes.
Back of head meet the bed.

"Aimee, that all happened today. You are so clumsy."

Despite the physical pain, my heart feels like it has been dipped in an aloe vera smoothie.

It's all about Love. Happyface.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Summer is here.

Well technically it isn't for another 19 days, but with the heatwave and almost 40 degree days, it makes it summer to me. And because I did the same last year I'm going to make the 2009 list of Aimee's summer loves :)

Last year it was Strawberry Spritz. This year I am "kickin' it ol' school" with Schweppes Traditional Raspberry flavour.

Last year it was my Gameboy Color and Pokemon Gold. This year it is me pining over my dead Gameboy Color and Pokemon Gold.

Last year it was my llama bag from Peru. This year it is my yellow dress that my sister bought me from Valleygirl two years ago and I started wearing as of yesterday :P

Plus this summer I am loving:

-driving with every single window rolled down even though I am the only one in the car.
-having my Edward-of-the-moment over to bake muffins with me.... for me
-I'm seriously addicted to games like Free Cell and Minesweeper. I am determined to conquer them.
-my iPod playlists of the Beach Boys.
-and most of all I am loving the God who gives us the opportunity to laze on the beach and drink raspberry drinks and jam to our iPods, without a care in the world about school.

*sigh* I don't know about this heat, but I sure am loving the fact that summer is right around the corner.

(Hi to: Leon and shootingatspiders)

Summer. A sunburnt happyface.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Your testosterone keeps me from loving you.

lol. This post is for you kiddo. I'd tell you you're like my own personal "Jacob" but then you'd stare at me like :wut

You know me way to well: " Aimee you brain is a bunch of hamsters on a ferris wheel" :)

Btw kiddo. Jacob is a Twilight character (I imagined you were still sitting there like :wut)

He's the best friend of the main character Bella (who I really do NOT like). In the second book he is all like: :Omelovesyou. And she is all: ;"(wahmelovescreepyvampiredude and then she is all like: :"(wahcreepyvampdon'tloveme then she is all like: i have an ingenious plan where I'll just be with Jacob cuz I trust him not to break my heart like creepyvamp even though I don't like him and am totes using him.

Like I trust you to be straight unlike my numerous Edwards. lols at my fail :D
But don't worry Edward comes back and is all: :Omelovesyoubella backoffjacob and yeah.

You are so much like Jacob my mind goes: bazillion dead hamsters. :)
Except that Jacob is a wolf when he gets super mad... Something you aren't telling me, ai?
Idk. It's like you live out in the middle of nowhere on your little farm, and you and all your friends are so enormous especially that Tyler guy. He looks all: Iamtotesabouttosityou andyouwilldie. And you are such a douchebag most of the time and your awesome to be around when you're like that, but when you get all emo I get all Grrrrbehappydammit and like Jacob understands Bella, you just get me. Like stupid stuff that I don't even realise about myself. Like on msn and you will be all: Youarefeelingthisway and even though I say I'm not, I totally am. :P

I wish Reneesme would hurry up and get here.. Wait... Ergh nooooo. (Jacob eventually falls in love with Bella's daughter, Reneesne, which has some serious issues)

My Jacob full of testosterone. ilyaafface.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A thought provoking kind of day...

First up: I really do fail at my blog upkeep. No blogs in october... I blame school.

Today was one of those days where nothing good or particularly interesting happens but it is a really good day.

My alarm woke me up at 5.50am. My mission for this summer is to regain my fitness (just like last summer's mission was : Learn to cook). I pulled on my actual running sneakers (that I haven't used since ski training in August last year) and went for my walk.

Because it took all my willpower to get out of bed, I didn't jog or even powerwalk. I just strolled along the trainline listening to the birds. I've discovered that the early morning is a really good time to think about things. First I pondered the moon and how it is in different positions in the sky and why you can sometimes see it in the day. Then I crossed over a main road and pondered how traffic lights work. Then I pondered the Jonas Brothers and how noone seems to like the oldest one and I wondered if he knew this and if it upset him. Then I tried to name all the trees and birds I saw (I failed at this pretty bad :P).

Then when I got home, I showered, got dressed, had breakfast and turned on my computer. Instead of mindless quizzes that are funny but not really intersting on facebook I came on blogger and looked at some different people's blogs. This had me in a pondering mood again. Reading interesting stories and challenging and being challenged by lots of interesting philosophies I read.

Then dinner came around all of a sudden and I decided to be difficult and have both chicken and beef in my wrap. Then I went to buy milk from the IGA and when I came home the neighbour's cat was sitting in our yard so I had some fun and chased it up the street.

(And before I forget: Hi 'loveheart' Cinderella 'loveheart')

Simple but good days. Happyface.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jacynta's kitchen

Jesus is my saviour

Five mintues later:

Jesus is my flavour ??

Catherine, how much have you had to drink? :P

Fridge magnets are awesome. Happyface.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Facts like:

-today it is exactly one month until my birthday
- my candy stash is momentarily under 1 kilo heavy

have excited me into a Birthday Wish List.


This Birthday/Xmas I would be ecstatic to recieve:
  • A video camera
  • Accessories (like a tripod) for the camera
  • An iPod detector
  • that guy's number
  • A truck load (or two) of candy because the stash currently depleted and sad-looking
  • Money to put towards my "wanting a camera" fund (if above demands aren't adhered to)
  • Cupcakes
  • A stall at the markets so I can sell my cupboard full of old stuff.
  • Pretty, shiny things
  • Hugs and conversation hearts
  • Davey to come to Adelaide (yes/no?)
  • Blue Tack

That is everything I demand to have :)
Where did everybody go?...

Birthdays. Happyface.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ode to Joy(less Davey)


Friday afternoon I was bored so I went for a drive past your old place.

It justn't didn't seem right.

No Geelong posters in the window.
No vicious dog trying to jump over the fence to eat me alive.
And most importantly, no gangly emo inside, wrestling the remote control off of me because I had put on Disney Channel (again.)

I miss you too much kiddo, so here's the plan. You catch a plane back to Adelaide right now.

Sounds good, ai?

I miss you force feeding me so much Milo & ice-cream that I would be sick.

I miss your cat, even if it was evil. And it was! And you throwing it at me, because you are horrible. :P

I miss that time when we got thrown out of that cafe at Marion because they are horrible.

I miss how I would never learn my lesson about telling you secrets, because an hour later the people I told you not to tell knew. :P

I miss giving you bear hugs and you being like "Crap--get--off--can't--breathe--"

Miss you emo kid. Missingface.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Twilight again...

Don't worry. I hate me too.

The Edward vs. Jacob debate sits at Edward-1, Jacob-0.

On the Twilight note, last night I finished Breaking Dawn. Which brings the Twilight reading phase (of 8 months and 23 days) to an end. I am glad. It was almost the same feeling as when our Critical Essays were over. R.E.L.I.E.F.

And now that I have seen the New Moon trailer 5 times, you and your pitchforks are welcome on my front porch.

Keep voting on the Edward/Jacob debate. I need to know who I love. Hahahahaha.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Twilight Blog.

Don't run away! Nah it's k. I would too.

I haven't made a blog since a time when I my candy stash was a kilo heavier than it is now, so I thought I should write something.

Just before I came up with a hypothesis... Well, no. I didn't, but it is a question that you, my total of six followers (haha I fails), can answer for me. :P

Just before my twilight obsessed sister was like: 'Oi! Do you like Edward or Jacob better?'

And not feeling like thinking through a proper answer, I yelled back: 'The one who's name is easier to spell.'

But now I am curious which one that is....

Edward is six letters, while Jacob is five. Jacob wins.
Edward has more common letters, but J is a more common letter to begin a name. Tie.
Edward is pronounced Ed-ward, but Jacob is pronounced more like Ja-cib/cub rather than Ja-COB. (Dayam I want some corn now.) Edward wins.

And I can't decide. :) Help me (because I am a weirdo that needs it)? :)

Twilight hypothesis. Intriguedface.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Parlez vous francais?

(8)- Indie band: Art vs. Science

I went to the show yesterday!!! Woooooooooo!

Now I have 3 kilos of candy sitting at the end of my bed. And that's just what's left from what I haven't eaten yet. :) Mmmmmm.

Oh. MJ's on. The way you make me feel... :)

Farmtown... Over due assignments...

Hmmm... Farmtown.

Woo! Sugarface.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Vroom vroom

So little to blog about. sigh

Too much school. Rawr. It's driving me nuts. I have set up a schedule for this weekend and if I stick to it I'll get heaps done...

But I'm not going to stick to it....


Anyone else miss it?

I found my formal shoes today. It was love at first sight :)

Hmmm... I am very addicted to iCarly. I want to make my own... well not webshow but just some videos I suppose.

Awesome show though *thumbs up*

Trah Lah Lah Lah Lah Lah Lah Lah Lah Lah Lah Lah Lah Lah Lah Lah

The Piano is weird. Hands up who thinks its a little strange?
I was watching it this afternoon and my sisters walked in.

"I think you two might want to go downstairs..."
"This film isn't really suitable..."

Then they proceed to watch it with me, get totally scarred forever and ever, and run away crying. (Well maybe not quite crying.)

Ohhhhhh! Screening of the short film we made at youth group is tomorrow.... I can hardly remember what it was about.... I suppose I'll find out.

I want a Allen's Snakes Alive showbag. :)

The Royal Adelaide SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!! has come to town. Carniface.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thunder and Lightning

A quick blog, because I am supposed to be finishing my English projects... that were due 4 days ago.

At my house, last night we had a blackout due to the storm. T'was scaryface.

I saw the funniest thing today. The cheap shop near school has a sign at the front of it:

Unattended children will receive
One cup of esspresso
And a pet puppy.

I love that sign *thumbs up*.
Funny signs and good songs on the radio. Simple pleasures that make me happyface.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A jar of boiled sweets.

Here's a little something to think about:

To forgive calls upon our love,
to forget calls upon our strength.

And while I'm on the subject...

My lucky numbers are 11, 4, 40, 24, 13, 26

:) Fortune cookies are deliciously meaningful. They are also delicious.

I forgive lots of people for lots of things, I suppose I must be very loving.
And buddy, I forget absolutely everything. I must be as strong as Edward Cullen.

I feel like keeping a blog about things I remember from my childhood (or last week :P).
Maybe I feel a little inspired by Angela's Ashes, maybe I'm just nuts, or maybe a bit of both.
Hmmm... People of blogland. You have been warned.

I'm going with option B...
*Ding ding ding ding* Congratulations. You have one a brand new red biro.
What!?! Where's my brand new red ferrari?
Um... We ran out...? *grins*

Don't mind me, I'm just a little Ker-azy.
On second thought, maybe someone should 'mind' me.

Five and half sugars, thanks. Happyface

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I had an idea so I wrote a short story. Enjoy :)

The shivering white mess crawled into my arms.
“I’m a horrible person,” it muttered.

It was Tuesday, and it was moments after the shivering girl in my arms had chased after a stocky guy four times her size, shrieking in terror. Stocky Guy had called her ‘Darling’; she had lost it, grabbed a nearby encyclopedia and raced after the guy who had fled; he understood what was coming.

“Never,” I whispered into her ear.

The shivering mess, Cassé, was one complicated girl. When she was 17, her sister had died in a car accident caused by a drunk-driver. After that Cassé had gone no less than mad. She had been the drunk driver. Once the brightest, happiest girl that I knew, with her future stretching to any horizon she desired, she soon became temperamental and very much out of control. For a couple of years, she attended therapy sessions, working through all the problems that were apparently the sources of her new behaviour. When few results came from this, Cassé’s parents gave up and moved away, still grieving and blaming over the death of their younger daughter. As her best friend, even though she had tried to push me away at first, I took her in.

No one in this world is perfect. So often I would get fed up with the feeding, the bathing, the dressing, as she cried out for her ‘Darling.’ When I felt I was nearing the end of my tether, I would storm out. After these moments, with one look into the pale face that needed me, I’d hate myself and promise never to storm out again.


Once I knew that Cassé was safe, from herself more than anything else, I ventured outside to talk to Stocky Guy. I often felt that it was my role to atone for Cassé’s outbursts. Outside, Stocky Guy grinned from ear to ear at me.
“What?” I demanded.
“You’re in love with her.”
“More than anything else in the world”

Writing stories instead of doing my Nutrition Assignment. Happyface.

Friday, August 14, 2009

To Always Sing Hope

I miss you, short stuff.


Unhinged? Honey, I'm five metres from the door.
Any last threads keeping my sanity tied are long gone.
With the amount of coffee in my system, I should open a cafe.

And all in the name of One-thousand-Six-hundred-and-Thirty-Nine words.

It's done though, so therefore E = MC(Happyface-squared.)



Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One cup of coffee

= 146 words in my essay and 2 successful games on Intermediate Minesweeper.

I wish I could go get more coffee... (Holy Fridge, I'm addicted) but Dad varnished our stairs today (hence seperating my bedroom from the kitchen.)

Getting up the stairs you have go Spiderman-style up the wall and reach for Dad's hand.

Going down the stairs you have to get a run up and then leap downstairs, and if your name happens to be Aimee,you stack the landing and mess up your knee.

'You shouldn't do those kinds of things when you know you're clumsy.'

So? I drink milk don't I?

'I'm not even going to bother.'

Love you voice.

'I'm leaving.'

Hehe. Even the voices in my head think I'm nuts.
Oh. Did anyone else watch YourGen tonight? I lolled all over the floor at the Hillary Clinton nutcracker.

Me want coffee. Addictface.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

You got everybody actin' crazy.

(8): High Life Scenery - The Rocket Summer

Mood: Less glum than before.

So my super awesome short film is a failure, because everyone is lazy. (Ok, so a few people are genuinely unable to be there, but so many people just said: Nah, I can't be a***ed.)


So now I'll just have to use my King Lear puppet's idea. Seriously *ML.

My Critical Essay is so... Let's just not go there.

High school is driving me mad. Hehehehehehehehehehe )': *rocks back and forth*

My television and I are friends again now.

Back to my puppets, I suppose.

Me= Completelymadface.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Welcome Home.

This blog was going to be about how much I love having my little television on my room, but as of ten minutes ago I have become not so sure if I enjoy this...

Innocently I went to turn the on/off volume knob, thinking I was going to be entertained by Scrubs, one of my favourite shows. This was not the case however as that Jamie Oliver's "lets-show-people-what-happens-in-an-abbatoir" show was on instead. I will spare you the gruesome details of what I saw, but let you know that I have not yet come to a conclusion as to whether crying or throwing up would be more appropriate.

This is why I was a vegetarian for so long, people!

Now that I will not be able to sleep for the next 5 days, I think I might make a substantial dent in the amount of English work I still have to do. Grrrrr.....

This is why I hate English so much, people!

'You have issues.'
:O Voice! You're back! Where you been, buddy?
'Serious issues. You need help.'
I missed you voicey. :)

TV up until about 2o minutes ago. Happyface.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Potato and Gravy *drools*

I hate not blogging. Maybe it's just me, but does anyone else feel guilty when they don't blog? Like forgetting about someone very important, leaving them behind somewhere, and when you come back to that place they're sitting there, sadly, silently screaming 'GUILT TRIP!'. Maybe this is just me.

We have a new washing machine and a newly renovated laundry. I think I might even start enjoying my chores... Hahahahaha. My mother wishes. :P

Talking of new, I have my very own... (Hmmm.... forget I said new...) television in my room. It is about 25 years old. The on/off knob doubles as the volume knob, it has a black-and-white screen, and the antenna is bigger than it. It's so cute, though. If doing so wouldn't result in it crumbling to peices, I'd give it a hug.

Tattoos and a switchblade attitude, maybe I'm addicted... :) *loving Nothing Personal (yet :P)*

I think I have swine flu, I feel so craptacular. Swiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine flu.
Perhaps I am just making excuses to not get off my tushy and write my Critical Essay.

High school forever... No? What if I begged?...

Stella, would you take me home? Yeah I'm addicted.
Blogster. Happyguiltyface.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

There's no pink :(

I am feeling...


I like rainbows. They are pretty. Just like a certain boy I forgot to stalk tonight.

(Pre.S. It's not creepy because I'm 17. If I was 37... Well, that would be just weird.)

Hehe. Teenage Lust...

No formal date. Oh! Woe is me. not feeling the love right now...

Lah Lah Lah Lah.

You? Oh no. You better not ask me to formal. I'll hit you with this desk lamp!

Rainbows. Smileyface.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Or not.

I am as cool as the Fonz!!! Well maybe not quite that cool, but last night I got bored, put a whole lot of hair mousse in my hair and styled it oh-so-cool. I looked like the guy from Saved by the Bell. (Oh man, I loved that show. *misses it*) Just as I was admiring how hot I'd be as a guy (because I am not conceited at all...) I had ephiphany. Cue the running to my bedroom and grabbing a leather jacket...

Come next casual-day, I'm rocking up T-Bird style.

My sister is so adorable. I run into her room and...

"Check it out. I'm a T-Bird."
"Oh. I thought it was meant to be the guy from Grease."
"Stacey... Where are the T-Birds from?"
"Oh right. I forgot. I thought you meant Thunderbirds."

Maybe the casual-day after I'll go puppet style. :)

(Pre.S. Andy Hurley, Patrick, Peter, Jo. Sung to the Teletubbies tune.)

Short hair. Happyface.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

There's nothing surgery can do.

Currently on repeat: Break You Little Heart - All Time Low

I am so good at being on a health bend. A single mini chocolate muffin and a single choc-chip cookie. Hazaar! I am too good. :P *feels so so so much better*

Now if only I could health bend my way out of my Critical Essay. 7 weeks and 2 days. Ohgahface. English hates me. *glares*

Sigh. Builders coming over tomorrow. Apparently at 7.30... AM! Who does that? That's my roaming around in jammies time! Grrrrrrr. :P

I WANT TO FEEL RECKLESS. Loving Nothing Personal (yet).

It's crazy that I missed both episodes of TBYG in the holidays, but come the school term I'm watching it again.... I really do fail. Oh! Woe is me.

(Pre.S. Crusty Crutch... Love You Jay Jay XD)

Perma-seventeen & Caps lock. HAPPYFACE!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Very boring. Don't read or you will be sleepy.

I am on a health bend.

I am trying to eat the right amount of each of the food groups, drink plenty of water, cut back on indulgences, sleep enough and exercise when I can find the time to.

This is all in my attempt to keep my stress levels down and my grades up this term.

So... Day 1:

Just under 8 hours sleep which includes the 20 minutes that I woke up for at around 4ish.

Breakfast: 2 Weetbix in milk with strawberries (and 'decorated' with a tablespoon of sugar :]) and a glass of water

Morning snack(s): A handful of almonds and cashews, celery sticks (because the fridge was void of carrots), a fruit box, half a PeanutButter and Jam sandwich, a cookie.

Lunch: An apple. (Lunch is small because I had already eaten everything else...)

Afternoon snack(s): Half of Shazz's chips and gravy (grrr at you Miss!), a tub of yoghurt, some grapes.

Dinner: 2 serves of a beef-mince/ vegetable thing and bread, orange juice, another cookie.

And also all of my water bottle.

Verdict: I need to eat vegetables.... Noooooooooooooooooooo. :P Also.. I like cookies :]

Cookies, my jungle stickers and how I sound like I'm seven. Happyface.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lukey Pookey

My washing machine broke. There was fire and tick-tick-flonk sounds. And now there is no clean clothes left. All emergency washing of neccessities (i.e. my black jeans) is being done at my Nan's house, but I run out of trackies, pyjamas and other soft-ish clothes. I refuse to sleep in jeans.

So tonight I have had to impromise, with my skiing thermals, short shorts, a old T-shirt, two pairs of socks and my ugg boots. In addition to my bid to stay warm I have employed my kettle to make me hot chocolate and Luke the teddy-bear/hot water bottle. He is so cute, and he has in own little orange jumper.

He is Luke because he is filled with luke warm water (this is a lie, I didn't follow the instructions) and I went to primary school with a kid called Luke Beare.

Lukey. Happyface.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Outback- out front.

We have koalas mating in the tree in our front yard. They make very... interesting noises. My mum regularly goes out the front yard a shines a torch at them to see what is happening. My dad told her that she is a pervert. I laughed so hard, I cried... and then I joined my mum. :P

According to the trusty internet they make snore/blech noises. The interent lies. The noises they make sound more like this:


You try getting out of your car in the dark and then fumbling with your keys to get inside when all of a sudden... RYYYIIIEEEEEEHH!

It is a tiny bit on the frightening side...

Fuzzy koalas. Super-scared/Happyface.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Aimee is... Just a little slow.

Whatever Trevor. I wasn't kdding about the psych bill.

A series of events today, lead to my discovery of: I am an idiot.

Firstly I was lazing around the house watching Oprah's "Clean-your-messy-house" show. It inspired me to clean up my room. So then I drove down to the shops to buy some storage boxes.

After I had bought my new storage boxes I opened the boot of my car and put them in. While I was shoving them in I chucked my bag onto the back seat.

Slams boot shut...






Where are my keys?

I had thrown my bag into my locked car without remembering that my keys were in that bag.

So then, using the Woolworths' phone, I had to ring my Gramps... :

"Uh... Hi Gramps."
"How are you?"
"Uh... Bad?"
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Don't be mad. Ok?"
"Did you lock your keys in the car?"

Apparently everyone else already knew that I am an idiot. :P

My Gramps is so awesome, he drove down to the shops and helped me to break into my own car. It took us almost two hours, he hurt his finger, and I got covered in the shame of everyone watching us, knowing that I was a very silly little girl.

He told me "You know what this means now? You HAVE to get another key cut."
(He tells me this on a regular basis, but today I actually followed his advice.)

So, voila. Hope you enjoyed another adventure into the Land of not only Nothing Much, but Nothing At All. :P

Embarrassment. Eggface.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I like hygiene!

Yesterday my sisters packed their bags and went on holiday with my Nanna. I wish I could have gone with but I have too many assignments that need doing and knowing me I would have left everything behind. I had to drop my Nanna and my sisters in town at the bus station. Peak hour city driving, gotta love it.

Or not.

Anyway, I woke up this morning and stumbled into my bathroom (my sisters and I share a bathroom, and my parents share the other bathroom) to shower and brush my teeth, but alas, there was a problem. The bathroom was completely void of anything with the slightest bit of use.

Even my toothbrush was gone! I suppose on the up-side, they had left the bubblebath goo. I then imagined a phone call between my sisters and I.

Stacey "Hello?"
Me "What did you doooooooooooooo?"
Melissa "Double-U Tee Eff! What's wrong with you?"
Me "The bathroom is empty... Except bubblebath."
Stacey "Well there you go. You might smell but hey, at least you have bubbles!"
*beep beep beep*

So then I had to drag my dirty smelly little self all the way to Coles to buy cleaning-Aimee products. I think my shoping list may have freaked out the cashier (just a little bit).

-Razor and...


hehehe. I love that stuff, but it seems a little like the odd one out.

My new soap smells like those Honey Bear lollies. Squeaky clean Happyface.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hub School Musical

All of my clothes smell like bonfire...
Gotta love those late night winter parties.

Hmmm... I need to buy new shoes... Off to Colonnades with me. :)
I'm not obsessed! Just lustful.

You know, I almost made myself cry today. Just remeniscing and wishing these high school days on longer.

From the days when Ben jumped into cupboards and Talia dyed her hair purple, to the days when TomK ran away and we girls 'poisoned' TomJ.

From the days of ridiculous fights over tuna and flooded tents, to the days when a South African boy joined the ranks of 9-07 and sang us Grease songs through paper thin walls.

From the days when Sam milked Mitch, to the days when some of us were starting our first SACE exams and some of us were even starting to drive.

From the days of Emily, Zoe, the overly-green carpet and Fruit Loops in Iced Coffee, to the days when Danni left and we realised there was one year left.

I want to make this year count. I am going to make the next 3-4 months something I will never forget.

High school. The occasional... Happyface.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

T'was paranoia...

So it would seem that I have arrived home safe, without any drugs in my system, and ten minutes before curfew.

Glory be to the God that keeps me safe.

Now my tired little party-body will be going to sleep now.

:) Relaxedface.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Perhaps I'm just paranoid...

Tomorrow night I'm going out to one of my first parties where there will be alcohol.

Some might congratulate me on growing up, but to be frank I'm quite keen to stay a kid, thanks.

I don't want to drink. I've seen and heard enough about the affects of alcohol on people, especially us nieve teenaged ones. I don't want to wind up with a spiked drink either. Apparently you die... (I am oh so subtle.)

I have a paranoia that if I die, I might miss so many things.
I'm quite okay with death and dying and my life after this life ends.
I suppose I'm just a whiny teenaged kid who still has things to.

- Get a date to formal.
- Get the cute boy at the bookstore to notice me.
- Learn to do a proper cartwheel.
- Solve the Rubik's square. (It's driving me a little crazy.)
- Have long hair again.

Ah. The messed up priorities of the teenage mind. It makes me laugh; way out loud!

I suppose if I died I would miss leaving cheese pizza outside the cinema. That and driving around, screaming Fall Out Boy lyrics out of rolled down windows.

Most of all I'd miss the people.

By the way, I'm not trying to make a sad blog. I suppose I am just a whole lot paranoid.

I love you guys all so much, and when I am still alive tomorrow my blog will have a less-sad topic. Loveface.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


8.30am= Get woken up by the phone.
9.00am= Paint nails on left hand.
9.30am= Read half of Alice in Wonderland
10.15am= Fall back to sleep.
11.05am= Wake up. Have a bowl of cornflakes. Read the newspaper.
12.00pm= Shower and get dressed (in trackies)
12.30pm= Paint nails on right hand.
1.00pm= Have a Sabrina the Teenage Witch marathon.
2.45pm= Eat the bread rolls that mum brings home.
3.00pm= Read the rest of Alice in Wonderland.
5.30pm= Walk in circles around the house in circles.
6.45pm= Dinner.
7.20pm= Repeatedly demand that parents take to the library.
7.30pm= Msn and Facebook.
11.30pm= Blog.
11.45= Sleep.

Ah. School holidays. Lazyface. :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

32 seconds...

That's how long I would last in a fight against Chuck Norris.

Good ol' Facebook.

All of my mid-year exams are over now, so that is a big relief.
2 and a half weeks of holidays! Yayface.

Nothing at all to blog about. Oh! Woe is me.

Ask me to formal... Now.

Or not. *sigh*

Typical teenaged lust.

Reading a really good book at the moment. It's called A Journal for Jordan. It is very sad.

The Cadbury Eyebrows ad. Happyface.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Talkin' 'bout your Favourite Show...

Mine would be Talkin' 'bout your Generation.

Being born in 1991 I find myself a member of the GenY camp.
My sisters, however, were born a few too many years late to be include in GenY and are a part of what some people are calling the iGen. I had never really thought that the approx. 4 years between my sisters and I was very significant...

Last Friday, I was driving Melissa and myself to school when, on the radio, we heard the news of Michael Jackson's passing (rest in peace.)

Radio host: "There isn't very many people alive today, who didn't have a Michael Jackson song playing at some significant moment in their life."

Me: " I don't know about significant moment, but Smooth Criminal was on the first cassette I ever owned."

Melissa: "What's a cassette?"

Wow. Way to make me feel old. Incredi-old.

Poor little deprived-of-knowledge iGen. They obviously don't know anything.

I still love my sisters anyway. Happyface.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Does it worry anyone else that Christmas is only 6 months away?
Which means that the end of exams is only 5 months away?
Which means that the end of school is only four months away?

In other news... Three week holiday for us year 12s. Superface.

Last night my youth group had a bonfire at one of the families from church's house. It was awesome. Roasted marshmallows and Golden syrup on damper. I love Fridays.

Also, yesterday I found out that I got full marks in the multiple choice section of our Biology mid-year. That made me smile thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big.

My internet cuts out all the time because I've broken all the USB ports in my computer. Time to save up for a new computer. Hehe. I get to drive to work all by myself tonight. Exciting, isn't it?

Facts of Life/ Season One. Happyface.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Raspberry Hiccups

Today as I was walking along the train-line, after going to the bakery to get lunch, and I was thinking about all the amazing opportunities God give us. To myself I thought "He even would give me the opportunity to climb this tree, if I wanted," while looking at a tree. As I continued to walked to home, I noticed that on the other side of the trainline was a tree with wooden-plank steps up the side. That made me smile.

And hi there, starfish 723.

In exactly one week, school will be finished for me, until next term. YAY
Thursday is coming...

L' Loved can with the parties of the cake.
(i.e. Babelfish talk for: Aimee likes to eat lots of pie.)

Something else important happened today... I can't put my finger on it...

Knick knack. Paddy whack. Give a dog a bone. This old girl came driving home (all by herself, too!)

Independence. Happyface.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

35 Emails?

*feels loved*

*feels agitated because she can't find the one she wants*

*feels impatient because the internt cut out AGAIN!*

*feels happy because she just found out we're having meatloaf for dinner*

*feels like raging because school is consuming her like Pacman*

*feels deep-in-thought as she contemplates her sanity*

*feels cold because she has no shoes on*

*feels smart as she found out how her maths homework works*

*feels relieved because at least one exam is over now*

*feels exhausted from having to read Breaking Dawn and not wanting to*

*feels itchy because her hands are allergic to winter*

*feels sick because.... it's stress-related*

*feels like this blog is over. Talkin' 'bout you generation is on :)*


*feels pretty darn Happyface*

Friday, June 19, 2009


Rachel and I (and Mr. Zajac) have a club because we are awesom(ified). :)

This week has been good and bad and circular and not much of Nothing Much. Up down up down. Larissa's laugh would symbolise my life well.

The internet just cut out... I think. Oh. Never mind, it didn't.

Hehehe. Broke down like a girl with booty today. Lots of screaming and 'Everything hates me!' in my tantrums. Cue the contents of my bag spilling absolutely everywhere. Oh! Woe is me.

If I am truthful, though, it was pretty darn hilarious.

My eyes hurt with tired. They protest. Little wooden signs. 'Down with homework'.

Ah. Wouldn't that be fantastic to see?
English will be the death of me.
My supporting materials is much too wee.
Ms. Lovell shouldn't go to Canberry.

The jury of Nothing Much has spoken. 'Aimee should shut up and go to bed.'


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Moodle Cup

Just 'cause I am awesome like that, I used my moodle. :)

I have nothing to blog about. Oh! Woe is me.

"Do you ever?"

Haha. Shut up.

I want to go and hang out at Thursday... Anyone?

*everyone runs away as fast as they can*

Oh. :(

Feelin; kinda lonely, maybe that's just school. It's like an over-protective boyfriend. Screw that man! I'm breaking free!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. High School Musical!

And on that note: Happyface. (< Check out my awesome pun!)

Monday, June 15, 2009


Right now I'm just chillin', Dylan.

You two will be getting my psych bill in the mail.


Two more weeks until the holidays. I want to see Transformers and Year One. I want to go to parties. I want to drive myself around. I want to stay up late and sleep in. I want to watch sunsets and sunrises. I want a winter-romance. I want to be 17.


Maths (tick)
English (tick, because I'm not doing anymore. FIFF)
Biology (tick)
Nutrition (I'll live)
Chemistry (now I die.)

School makes me grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Oh! Woe is me! I'm that typically whiny teenaged one.

Daddy bought me a suprise? brb...
He bought us each a Freddo. :)

Good thing that, because I've eaten all my Musk Drops.

Freddo has really big hands. Has anyone else noticed this?

Peace and love and harmony and stuff. Chocolateface.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Out on the town.

My phone hates me. As does technology in general. I think there must be some anti-"Aimee successfully using technology" Law. I have a new phone and whenever someone rings it says that my status is "In a Call" so I think something must be wrong and end up either hanging up or putting the person on hold.

"Maybe you just fail?"

Tell me about it. I waste so much money on skilltesters. They also hate me. Oh! Woe is me!

Talking about technology, I want to buy a video camera and film lots of things :)

"Because you'll be able to use a video camera, so much better..."

Shut up voice.

I have decided I have three selfs. The adventurous/crazy one (the 'kid' one), the voice of reason, and the one that listens to the two arguing and laughs. I'm such nutcase, Masterchef could cook me (love that show.)

Bedtime. ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz


Friday, June 12, 2009


Yeah, bro. Gah. Take me now.

What happened today...?

Oh yeah, I planned my birthday party (for November lol). So get ready for the most epic tea party, that this world did ever see. Also I made nachoes again, I'll have to put up pictures of the first time I made it... :)

Guzzlin' Ibuprofen.
Like it's goin' out of fashion.
Guzzlin' Ibuprofen.
Vexed sea. Vexed sea.

Just a little verse from the Land of Nothing Much. You so want what I got!
Still figuring out exactly what that is.

Plans to hat. Hats to paint. Paints to plan.


RAWR!! Just to wake you up a little. :)

School drives me mad like my phone apparently sucks?

Don't ask me. Ask that sister-like one beside me (i.e. my sister.)

Bored yet?

Me too.

Night night.


Stacey! Get off of my phone, bro!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Icepacks and Ibuprofen...

... I think my eye is asleep.


'Why so sensible, Aimee?'

The couch tipped and fell on my head. I am feeling a little-teeny-weeny bit concussed. And in other news... Never mind, it's gone. Oh! Woe is me!

(No need for poetry when you're this stupid.)

Hullo there Jacynta and wyldmatt.

I am going to bed now, kind of crazy. I feel very tired.

'Maybe it has something to do with the couch falling on your head?'

Haha. Nah, I know that can't be it. :)

Repetitive like vowels in the word. Such a sorely missed friend, my dear Sanity. Typical drugged-up (on Ibuprofen) teenager? Hells to the yesm.

Lah Lah Lah. Concussedface.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hydrogen Kids.

I miss my friends, "food" and "sleep".

I went from 5am this morning to almost 4pm this afternoon, on 2 hours sleep, one cup of coffee, half a curried-egg sandwhich and one mandarin. I think that I deserve a medal. No wait, a trophy! No wait, a statue in my honour!! Or not.

On the bus coming home from school I collapsed into a little ball of sleep. It was awesome. I love my sleep almost as much as I hate coffee. :)

11.11 Make a wish.

I have demands. I don't want to make them though. Navy-coloured 'Ask-me'. Must I yell? And meanwhile 'nnoying boys make assumptions to make me scream. Why yes, 'tis longer?

How about now?

"Alack tis he; why he met even now mad as a vexed sea." - Cordelia (King Lear)

Hat painters and Painted hatters. I'll give you Mad!

Why must it always fall out in such disarray? Not making sense in the hours ahead.

See what lack of food and sleep results in? Hopefully this makes a U-ey in the near future and you cease to question the little sanity I value highly.

Noone cares. Oh! Woe is me. I don't care (what you think as long as it's about me.)

I just cross my fingers that it's good.

Sleep. Happyface.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I don't even like the taste of coffee.

But I could drink an urn of the stuff right now.

Why won't my sunflowers harvest?!? Oh. Woe is me.

I wish you wouldn't think that I want you to ask me to formal, I don't.

No shout out to noone in particular.

We all have a split personality, and to be frank, one of mine wants to run one of yours down with a steam roller (what sizes do these come in?)

All sense in my head, eggs on a page.

But wait... that's a lie.

Where's this going? East, I hope.
And a little to the North.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sentimental Jonathan (and canteen lines)

On this fine Tuesday of June, Nathan went a tad stir-crazy.
Or a lot.
He couldn't think of the word 'sentimental'. Poor kid. Glad you got it in the end :)

I learnt a good lesson today (five minutes ago rather). I often try to make it evident to my non-Christian friends that God is my priority. I succeed... in faling.

All day I have changed my mind, on how I am going to spend this coming Sunday, with going to church and then to the concert at night, on one hand, or stalking All Time Low all day in the city, on the other. The prospect of having a fun day out, stalking semi-famous tourists, put up a good fight. As far as my friends knew it won. But, alas, Aimee did change her mind again (this is becoming a problem of mine...). :) :) :)

Catherine doesn't like to go to the canteen with me, I can never decide which poor quality and over-priced meal is most enticing. She gets frustrated with me. (I secretly giggle at her in the corner, making the decision take even longer.)

Not to worry. Now that I have changed my mind again, I can give Tiddy a lift. And all was well in the Land of Nothing Much.

iTunes. Happyface.

Monday, June 1, 2009

For the Irish. For the French. (FIFF)

I'm sorry Mr. Happy blog. You die, tonight.

I'm too exhausted for school these days. It's mainly English that's dragging me down, too. Grrr... English. So. Much. Work. Aimee. Goes. Mad.

Hanging out for the weekend so badly. Wishing the Sundays on forever.

I'm such a whiny teenaged one. Oh! Woe is me!

Also, hi to Kristyn who now follows my 'was-once-happy-but-now-isn't' blog.

We got our invites to formal today. Which is good and all, but I need a partner.
Need is the wrong word... 'want' would be more suitable. I'm looking for lust, not love. So typically teenage.

English Oral and Essay to get out of the way plus the supporting materials also for English. After that it's smooth sailing into the holidays.

English. Hey, how's it going?... Good? Cool cool... *boom*

Woah! Where'd that anvil come from?

I've lost it like a pair of keys. I am so mad, I should paint.

Hmm. Blahface.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

One for you, none for me.

Hello my two followers. (I guess I know who my real friends are! Joking)

When I made this blog (last week XD) I intended to blog everyday. That failed this week, because I am sick :( Oh! Woe is me!

It's not all bad though. Watching endless youtube videos, Facebooking and going to Colannades instead of school is great. :)

The only down points, really, are the sensation of having swallowed a brick and the fact that I am on a fluids-only diet.

You might wonder how I am able to Facebook my life away but not blog? It's because I like to blog at night and this week I have been falling asleep at 5 o'clock. (Truthfully, that was only once. Most of the time it's been around 8 o'clock.)

So, this is a hello to the only two people that love me :( and here's a nasty message awaiting anyone else, when they finally get off their bums and follow my blog:
"You are a ... umm... err... you suck!"

Yeah, you're trembling at the knees! Haha.

Pumpkin soup and hot chocolate all day long. That makes me happyface.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Scream baby, it's your favourite song (8)

Quoting a band called Delamare in my title. Check them out. (They played at Clipsal)

12 days until All Time Low. Ya'll are excited. I, personally, can not wait.


I'm hanging out for the weekend after next. It'll just be an awesome four days of forgetting school and relieving the pressure for a while.

Anyone going to the 'Final Countdown' show on the Thursday night? Want to give a lift?

This Thursday I plan to see... hehehehe *giggles* I am so ridiculously teenage.

Kate follows my blog now.[Edit: So does Sam.] That makes me happyface.

Monday, May 25, 2009


My oral presentation doesn't have a theme yet... It's due in two days. Oops :D As for my poster, I intend to eat many Fantales while I make it (anyone who has seen my design would understand). Why does Aimee speak of English in her blog? I'm not sure, really, but I think she might be going crazy.

"Wow. I never realised!" I hear you sarcastically say.

I haven't a topic for this blog. Oh! Woe is me!

Haha. You know you want some of what I have. "What do you have?" you say. Me: "Oh. Umm... things... like... would you be interested in a pillow?".

If you're trying to interpret it, don't bother. I don't even know what that's about. Or do I?

No, I don't. 22. My birthday is the same number repeated. Sadly, that's how I am able to remember it. Maybe I'm not crazy. Maybe I'm senile.

Potato smiles and eyeliner scars. That makes me HARRYface.

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Few of My Favourite Things...

You know Cadbury Favourites? It's a box of 11 different fun sized chocolates, that I like to devour in a single evening. I have been thinking what I would put in my own personal box of 'Favourites'.

1. The summers of my childhood. Eating watermelon with the juices running down my chin.
2. The winters of my childhood. Roasted marshmallows from campfires.
3. The springs of my childhood. We would go crabbing and cook up the best one for tea.
4. The autumns of my childhood. Frog-cakes after school.
5. The best part of primary school. 30c Zooper Doopers. My favourite was Bubblegum.
6. The only part of high school. Chicken Burgers that don't have enough mayonaise.
7. What best friends are for. Home made choc-chip cookies when you're down.
8. What Dads are for. The best Spaghetti Bolganese in the world.
9. What Mums are for. Big roast lunches on Sunday.
10. Being old enough to go out. Endless Mount Franklin water bottles.
11. Being young enough to get away with being stupid. Eating most of a cheese pizza and leaving a single slice outside of the cinemas.

Life went on and Aimee was content. That makes me happyface.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Grandpa Smith must have been proud.

Henrik Ibsen was Norwegian. You're so glad I told you that. (By the way, I asked Mr. Clark who is much more reliable than Wikipedia ever was.)

In 20 minutes I am going out to dinner with my work-mates. Shall be fun. Now the rest of my day (/week) has also revolved around food. For some reason, unknown to me, dairy foods just don't sit right with me. "Not to worry!" says I, "Too get rid of it I'll just drink chocolate milk, cheesy pizza, cheesy lasagna, yoghurt (it goes on...)". Stupid I then winds up with the kind of stomach ache you wouldn't wish onto your arch-enemy. Cue the Ibuprofen and singing loudly (which you would recommend anyone to listen to, even your arch-enemy.) I've been sick from poor food choices for most of this week.

Now out to dinner to eat some cheesy cauliflower bake, and a big bowl of banana ice-cream to wash it down. Oh! Woe is me!

It is currently mandarin season. That makes me happyface.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ibsen was Swedish... I think...

Hey guys.

This is my new blog here (because I'm not stating the obvious or anything). I made it because Ye Olde Weblog became much too whiny. Here is Happy. Happy is Here. Not the dwarf... Snow White reference, for anyone who was thinking "Oh man, I told her they weren't TicTacs".

Lah Lah Lah. People, go read A Doll's House right now, (you have to do it later on anyway) because I want to be able to talk about it. The grammar in it (and also many of the sayings) are strange and I am 100% sure that it wasn't in English when first written. Before you go thinking I am an idoit, I thought so before I googled it! So NYEH NYEH.

Anyone who has bothered to read to this point is probably thinking "Aimee, English assignments are not happy. Your happy blog is epic fail" but give it a chance, man! As warped as it is, I love it (probably 'cause the main character is hyperactive on macaroons). I must google what macaroons are...

Holy cucumbers!!! (If someone can find me a holy cucumber I'll give you Catherine's $10).
It's 11pm. Argh. So much for getting a good night sleep for the SUMMATIVE Nutrition test tomorrow... Oh! Woe is me!

Haha. This face doesn't care. It just uses odd grammar and colloqueal language to rival (Swedish?) Ibsen. Go my face!... Or not. Yeah, I'm going to go with not.

I have an eraser that looks like two jigsaw puzzle peices (one pink, one yellow) and they are holding hands. It makes me happyface.