Friday, November 27, 2009


Balls of feet aching for speed.
Hands freezing around a McDonald's strawberry thickshake.
Ears loving those Summer Love Songs.
Cheeks lit by flashes of moonlight between the trees.

Gosh, I love the Southern Expressway in the early hours of the morning.

Jaime's in love. Summerlovedrunkface.

(P.S. The colour of Edward Cullen's socks. Suggestions?)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

a 3am string of green lights in a row

I'm Love Love Love Drunk.

You gotta love my clever combining of Heart Heart Heartbreak and Love Drunk :)

Oh!!! We set up our Christmas tree today :D

Our lounge room floor now looks like the Tinsel Monster threw up :)

Hmm.. Haven't blogged in a while. I don't really have an excuse.

My excuse would have been that for three days I went "camping" but in the end I woosed out of sleeping in the tent because of the thunder storm and we just stayed inside with the tv and facebook the whole time. Photos on facebook. :)

Lately I have been helping out a friend deliver leaflets (in truth I did this twice so far).

*swoon* I love this Boys Like Girls / Taylor Swift stuff *swoons more*

Anyway, this leaflet delivering has formed a severe severe passionate rage inside me. It's a little frightening, actually. People with small, odd-shaped, or crumbling to pieces letterboxes annoy me. Grrrrrrrrr. Get better letterboxes.

Oh. I should make up some leaflets advertsing a letterbox shop, and I'll put one in all those letterboxes for those people :)

I'm glad I have work tomorrow. There is only so much Farmtown and Dr. Phil a girl can take. I love Dr. Phil's moustache. I wanna give it a hug. Still, staying home all day is boring.

I bought my skirt for Valedictory today. I love business attire. ♥

Summer radio, fireworks of the patio. Lovedrunkface.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I feel a theme coming on...

I heard a very inspirational story today.

A guy from my church, Josh, has been doing odd jobs to try to raise money so that he can go on a mission next year. Recently he did some odd jobs for our church's pastor, Harry.

Harry wanted him to clean up one side of his house and clean the windows on that side. Knowing that there were lots of spiders down there, he armed Josh with a can of bug spray.

A while later Josh reappeared having finished that job, and handed Harry back the can of bug spray. Noticing that the can was now completely empty, Harry became suspicious of something that Josh's dad later confirmed for him.

Josh is chronically afraid of spiders.

Despite this Josh did the job he was asked to do and didn't complain once.

I really admire Josh's attitude. I think it is one that alot of people could benefit from having.

Amazing people like Josh. Inspiredface.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Thank you everyone who came to my party.
Thank you for the presents and well wishing cards.
Most of all thank you for your presence and making it an awesome day for me. :)

Hello four months of freedom. I'm going to learn a language. I'm going to take up a sport. I'm going to consider telling him how I feel. Considering is a step! :D

It never felt right calling this just friends. I am still addicted to Nothing Personal (yet).

Dah dah dah... I wanna fall so in love, with you and noone else. 'Cept I can think of one important someone else... Re-written lyrics:

I wanna fall so in love, with you (and my Lord).

Ah much better. Come over for some more muffin-baking/ beating-me-in-Scrabble-by-one-point? 239/238

Pretty sure you haven't read my blog in forever.... Dammit. If you read it all the times, I could still be a coward but use this... 'Cept if I thought you did read it, I am positive this wouldn't be here.


Lustaphobia. Lustingface.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Left ankle meet right ankle.
Wrist bone meet pocketed phone.
Thighes and toes meet mosquitoes.
Back of head meet the bed.

"Aimee, that all happened today. You are so clumsy."

Despite the physical pain, my heart feels like it has been dipped in an aloe vera smoothie.

It's all about Love. Happyface.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Summer is here.

Well technically it isn't for another 19 days, but with the heatwave and almost 40 degree days, it makes it summer to me. And because I did the same last year I'm going to make the 2009 list of Aimee's summer loves :)

Last year it was Strawberry Spritz. This year I am "kickin' it ol' school" with Schweppes Traditional Raspberry flavour.

Last year it was my Gameboy Color and Pokemon Gold. This year it is me pining over my dead Gameboy Color and Pokemon Gold.

Last year it was my llama bag from Peru. This year it is my yellow dress that my sister bought me from Valleygirl two years ago and I started wearing as of yesterday :P

Plus this summer I am loving:

-driving with every single window rolled down even though I am the only one in the car.
-having my Edward-of-the-moment over to bake muffins with me.... for me
-I'm seriously addicted to games like Free Cell and Minesweeper. I am determined to conquer them.
-my iPod playlists of the Beach Boys.
-and most of all I am loving the God who gives us the opportunity to laze on the beach and drink raspberry drinks and jam to our iPods, without a care in the world about school.

*sigh* I don't know about this heat, but I sure am loving the fact that summer is right around the corner.

(Hi to: Leon and shootingatspiders)

Summer. A sunburnt happyface.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Your testosterone keeps me from loving you.

lol. This post is for you kiddo. I'd tell you you're like my own personal "Jacob" but then you'd stare at me like :wut

You know me way to well: " Aimee you brain is a bunch of hamsters on a ferris wheel" :)

Btw kiddo. Jacob is a Twilight character (I imagined you were still sitting there like :wut)

He's the best friend of the main character Bella (who I really do NOT like). In the second book he is all like: :Omelovesyou. And she is all: ;"(wahmelovescreepyvampiredude and then she is all like: :"(wahcreepyvampdon'tloveme then she is all like: i have an ingenious plan where I'll just be with Jacob cuz I trust him not to break my heart like creepyvamp even though I don't like him and am totes using him.

Like I trust you to be straight unlike my numerous Edwards. lols at my fail :D
But don't worry Edward comes back and is all: :Omelovesyoubella backoffjacob and yeah.

You are so much like Jacob my mind goes: bazillion dead hamsters. :)
Except that Jacob is a wolf when he gets super mad... Something you aren't telling me, ai?
Idk. It's like you live out in the middle of nowhere on your little farm, and you and all your friends are so enormous especially that Tyler guy. He looks all: Iamtotesabouttosityou andyouwilldie. And you are such a douchebag most of the time and your awesome to be around when you're like that, but when you get all emo I get all Grrrrbehappydammit and like Jacob understands Bella, you just get me. Like stupid stuff that I don't even realise about myself. Like on msn and you will be all: Youarefeelingthisway and even though I say I'm not, I totally am. :P

I wish Reneesme would hurry up and get here.. Wait... Ergh nooooo. (Jacob eventually falls in love with Bella's daughter, Reneesne, which has some serious issues)

My Jacob full of testosterone. ilyaafface.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A thought provoking kind of day...

First up: I really do fail at my blog upkeep. No blogs in october... I blame school.

Today was one of those days where nothing good or particularly interesting happens but it is a really good day.

My alarm woke me up at 5.50am. My mission for this summer is to regain my fitness (just like last summer's mission was : Learn to cook). I pulled on my actual running sneakers (that I haven't used since ski training in August last year) and went for my walk.

Because it took all my willpower to get out of bed, I didn't jog or even powerwalk. I just strolled along the trainline listening to the birds. I've discovered that the early morning is a really good time to think about things. First I pondered the moon and how it is in different positions in the sky and why you can sometimes see it in the day. Then I crossed over a main road and pondered how traffic lights work. Then I pondered the Jonas Brothers and how noone seems to like the oldest one and I wondered if he knew this and if it upset him. Then I tried to name all the trees and birds I saw (I failed at this pretty bad :P).

Then when I got home, I showered, got dressed, had breakfast and turned on my computer. Instead of mindless quizzes that are funny but not really intersting on facebook I came on blogger and looked at some different people's blogs. This had me in a pondering mood again. Reading interesting stories and challenging and being challenged by lots of interesting philosophies I read.

Then dinner came around all of a sudden and I decided to be difficult and have both chicken and beef in my wrap. Then I went to buy milk from the IGA and when I came home the neighbour's cat was sitting in our yard so I had some fun and chased it up the street.

(And before I forget: Hi 'loveheart' Cinderella 'loveheart')

Simple but good days. Happyface.