Thursday, July 23, 2009

There's no pink :(

I am feeling...


I like rainbows. They are pretty. Just like a certain boy I forgot to stalk tonight.

(Pre.S. It's not creepy because I'm 17. If I was 37... Well, that would be just weird.)

Hehe. Teenage Lust...

No formal date. Oh! Woe is me. not feeling the love right now...

Lah Lah Lah Lah.

You? Oh no. You better not ask me to formal. I'll hit you with this desk lamp!

Rainbows. Smileyface.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Or not.

I am as cool as the Fonz!!! Well maybe not quite that cool, but last night I got bored, put a whole lot of hair mousse in my hair and styled it oh-so-cool. I looked like the guy from Saved by the Bell. (Oh man, I loved that show. *misses it*) Just as I was admiring how hot I'd be as a guy (because I am not conceited at all...) I had ephiphany. Cue the running to my bedroom and grabbing a leather jacket...

Come next casual-day, I'm rocking up T-Bird style.

My sister is so adorable. I run into her room and...

"Check it out. I'm a T-Bird."
"Oh. I thought it was meant to be the guy from Grease."
"Stacey... Where are the T-Birds from?"
"Oh right. I forgot. I thought you meant Thunderbirds."

Maybe the casual-day after I'll go puppet style. :)

(Pre.S. Andy Hurley, Patrick, Peter, Jo. Sung to the Teletubbies tune.)

Short hair. Happyface.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

There's nothing surgery can do.

Currently on repeat: Break You Little Heart - All Time Low

I am so good at being on a health bend. A single mini chocolate muffin and a single choc-chip cookie. Hazaar! I am too good. :P *feels so so so much better*

Now if only I could health bend my way out of my Critical Essay. 7 weeks and 2 days. Ohgahface. English hates me. *glares*

Sigh. Builders coming over tomorrow. Apparently at 7.30... AM! Who does that? That's my roaming around in jammies time! Grrrrrrr. :P

I WANT TO FEEL RECKLESS. Loving Nothing Personal (yet).

It's crazy that I missed both episodes of TBYG in the holidays, but come the school term I'm watching it again.... I really do fail. Oh! Woe is me.

(Pre.S. Crusty Crutch... Love You Jay Jay XD)

Perma-seventeen & Caps lock. HAPPYFACE!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Very boring. Don't read or you will be sleepy.

I am on a health bend.

I am trying to eat the right amount of each of the food groups, drink plenty of water, cut back on indulgences, sleep enough and exercise when I can find the time to.

This is all in my attempt to keep my stress levels down and my grades up this term.

So... Day 1:

Just under 8 hours sleep which includes the 20 minutes that I woke up for at around 4ish.

Breakfast: 2 Weetbix in milk with strawberries (and 'decorated' with a tablespoon of sugar :]) and a glass of water

Morning snack(s): A handful of almonds and cashews, celery sticks (because the fridge was void of carrots), a fruit box, half a PeanutButter and Jam sandwich, a cookie.

Lunch: An apple. (Lunch is small because I had already eaten everything else...)

Afternoon snack(s): Half of Shazz's chips and gravy (grrr at you Miss!), a tub of yoghurt, some grapes.

Dinner: 2 serves of a beef-mince/ vegetable thing and bread, orange juice, another cookie.

And also all of my water bottle.

Verdict: I need to eat vegetables.... Noooooooooooooooooooo. :P Also.. I like cookies :]

Cookies, my jungle stickers and how I sound like I'm seven. Happyface.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lukey Pookey

My washing machine broke. There was fire and tick-tick-flonk sounds. And now there is no clean clothes left. All emergency washing of neccessities (i.e. my black jeans) is being done at my Nan's house, but I run out of trackies, pyjamas and other soft-ish clothes. I refuse to sleep in jeans.

So tonight I have had to impromise, with my skiing thermals, short shorts, a old T-shirt, two pairs of socks and my ugg boots. In addition to my bid to stay warm I have employed my kettle to make me hot chocolate and Luke the teddy-bear/hot water bottle. He is so cute, and he has in own little orange jumper.

He is Luke because he is filled with luke warm water (this is a lie, I didn't follow the instructions) and I went to primary school with a kid called Luke Beare.

Lukey. Happyface.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Outback- out front.

We have koalas mating in the tree in our front yard. They make very... interesting noises. My mum regularly goes out the front yard a shines a torch at them to see what is happening. My dad told her that she is a pervert. I laughed so hard, I cried... and then I joined my mum. :P

According to the trusty internet they make snore/blech noises. The interent lies. The noises they make sound more like this:


You try getting out of your car in the dark and then fumbling with your keys to get inside when all of a sudden... RYYYIIIEEEEEEHH!

It is a tiny bit on the frightening side...

Fuzzy koalas. Super-scared/Happyface.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Aimee is... Just a little slow.

Whatever Trevor. I wasn't kdding about the psych bill.

A series of events today, lead to my discovery of: I am an idiot.

Firstly I was lazing around the house watching Oprah's "Clean-your-messy-house" show. It inspired me to clean up my room. So then I drove down to the shops to buy some storage boxes.

After I had bought my new storage boxes I opened the boot of my car and put them in. While I was shoving them in I chucked my bag onto the back seat.

Slams boot shut...






Where are my keys?

I had thrown my bag into my locked car without remembering that my keys were in that bag.

So then, using the Woolworths' phone, I had to ring my Gramps... :

"Uh... Hi Gramps."
"How are you?"
"Uh... Bad?"
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Don't be mad. Ok?"
"Did you lock your keys in the car?"

Apparently everyone else already knew that I am an idiot. :P

My Gramps is so awesome, he drove down to the shops and helped me to break into my own car. It took us almost two hours, he hurt his finger, and I got covered in the shame of everyone watching us, knowing that I was a very silly little girl.

He told me "You know what this means now? You HAVE to get another key cut."
(He tells me this on a regular basis, but today I actually followed his advice.)

So, voila. Hope you enjoyed another adventure into the Land of not only Nothing Much, but Nothing At All. :P

Embarrassment. Eggface.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I like hygiene!

Yesterday my sisters packed their bags and went on holiday with my Nanna. I wish I could have gone with but I have too many assignments that need doing and knowing me I would have left everything behind. I had to drop my Nanna and my sisters in town at the bus station. Peak hour city driving, gotta love it.

Or not.

Anyway, I woke up this morning and stumbled into my bathroom (my sisters and I share a bathroom, and my parents share the other bathroom) to shower and brush my teeth, but alas, there was a problem. The bathroom was completely void of anything with the slightest bit of use.

Even my toothbrush was gone! I suppose on the up-side, they had left the bubblebath goo. I then imagined a phone call between my sisters and I.

Stacey "Hello?"
Me "What did you doooooooooooooo?"
Melissa "Double-U Tee Eff! What's wrong with you?"
Me "The bathroom is empty... Except bubblebath."
Stacey "Well there you go. You might smell but hey, at least you have bubbles!"
*beep beep beep*

So then I had to drag my dirty smelly little self all the way to Coles to buy cleaning-Aimee products. I think my shoping list may have freaked out the cashier (just a little bit).

-Razor and...


hehehe. I love that stuff, but it seems a little like the odd one out.

My new soap smells like those Honey Bear lollies. Squeaky clean Happyface.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hub School Musical

All of my clothes smell like bonfire...
Gotta love those late night winter parties.

Hmmm... I need to buy new shoes... Off to Colonnades with me. :)
I'm not obsessed! Just lustful.

You know, I almost made myself cry today. Just remeniscing and wishing these high school days on longer.

From the days when Ben jumped into cupboards and Talia dyed her hair purple, to the days when TomK ran away and we girls 'poisoned' TomJ.

From the days of ridiculous fights over tuna and flooded tents, to the days when a South African boy joined the ranks of 9-07 and sang us Grease songs through paper thin walls.

From the days when Sam milked Mitch, to the days when some of us were starting our first SACE exams and some of us were even starting to drive.

From the days of Emily, Zoe, the overly-green carpet and Fruit Loops in Iced Coffee, to the days when Danni left and we realised there was one year left.

I want to make this year count. I am going to make the next 3-4 months something I will never forget.

High school. The occasional... Happyface.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

T'was paranoia...

So it would seem that I have arrived home safe, without any drugs in my system, and ten minutes before curfew.

Glory be to the God that keeps me safe.

Now my tired little party-body will be going to sleep now.

:) Relaxedface.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Perhaps I'm just paranoid...

Tomorrow night I'm going out to one of my first parties where there will be alcohol.

Some might congratulate me on growing up, but to be frank I'm quite keen to stay a kid, thanks.

I don't want to drink. I've seen and heard enough about the affects of alcohol on people, especially us nieve teenaged ones. I don't want to wind up with a spiked drink either. Apparently you die... (I am oh so subtle.)

I have a paranoia that if I die, I might miss so many things.
I'm quite okay with death and dying and my life after this life ends.
I suppose I'm just a whiny teenaged kid who still has things to.

- Get a date to formal.
- Get the cute boy at the bookstore to notice me.
- Learn to do a proper cartwheel.
- Solve the Rubik's square. (It's driving me a little crazy.)
- Have long hair again.

Ah. The messed up priorities of the teenage mind. It makes me laugh; way out loud!

I suppose if I died I would miss leaving cheese pizza outside the cinema. That and driving around, screaming Fall Out Boy lyrics out of rolled down windows.

Most of all I'd miss the people.

By the way, I'm not trying to make a sad blog. I suppose I am just a whole lot paranoid.

I love you guys all so much, and when I am still alive tomorrow my blog will have a less-sad topic. Loveface.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


8.30am= Get woken up by the phone.
9.00am= Paint nails on left hand.
9.30am= Read half of Alice in Wonderland
10.15am= Fall back to sleep.
11.05am= Wake up. Have a bowl of cornflakes. Read the newspaper.
12.00pm= Shower and get dressed (in trackies)
12.30pm= Paint nails on right hand.
1.00pm= Have a Sabrina the Teenage Witch marathon.
2.45pm= Eat the bread rolls that mum brings home.
3.00pm= Read the rest of Alice in Wonderland.
5.30pm= Walk in circles around the house in circles.
6.45pm= Dinner.
7.20pm= Repeatedly demand that parents take to the library.
7.30pm= Msn and Facebook.
11.30pm= Blog.
11.45= Sleep.

Ah. School holidays. Lazyface. :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

32 seconds...

That's how long I would last in a fight against Chuck Norris.

Good ol' Facebook.

All of my mid-year exams are over now, so that is a big relief.
2 and a half weeks of holidays! Yayface.

Nothing at all to blog about. Oh! Woe is me.

Ask me to formal... Now.

Or not. *sigh*

Typical teenaged lust.

Reading a really good book at the moment. It's called A Journal for Jordan. It is very sad.

The Cadbury Eyebrows ad. Happyface.