Monday, June 29, 2009

Talkin' 'bout your Favourite Show...

Mine would be Talkin' 'bout your Generation.

Being born in 1991 I find myself a member of the GenY camp.
My sisters, however, were born a few too many years late to be include in GenY and are a part of what some people are calling the iGen. I had never really thought that the approx. 4 years between my sisters and I was very significant...

Last Friday, I was driving Melissa and myself to school when, on the radio, we heard the news of Michael Jackson's passing (rest in peace.)

Radio host: "There isn't very many people alive today, who didn't have a Michael Jackson song playing at some significant moment in their life."

Me: " I don't know about significant moment, but Smooth Criminal was on the first cassette I ever owned."

Melissa: "What's a cassette?"

Wow. Way to make me feel old. Incredi-old.

Poor little deprived-of-knowledge iGen. They obviously don't know anything.

I still love my sisters anyway. Happyface.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Does it worry anyone else that Christmas is only 6 months away?
Which means that the end of exams is only 5 months away?
Which means that the end of school is only four months away?

In other news... Three week holiday for us year 12s. Superface.

Last night my youth group had a bonfire at one of the families from church's house. It was awesome. Roasted marshmallows and Golden syrup on damper. I love Fridays.

Also, yesterday I found out that I got full marks in the multiple choice section of our Biology mid-year. That made me smile thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big.

My internet cuts out all the time because I've broken all the USB ports in my computer. Time to save up for a new computer. Hehe. I get to drive to work all by myself tonight. Exciting, isn't it?

Facts of Life/ Season One. Happyface.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Raspberry Hiccups

Today as I was walking along the train-line, after going to the bakery to get lunch, and I was thinking about all the amazing opportunities God give us. To myself I thought "He even would give me the opportunity to climb this tree, if I wanted," while looking at a tree. As I continued to walked to home, I noticed that on the other side of the trainline was a tree with wooden-plank steps up the side. That made me smile.

And hi there, starfish 723.

In exactly one week, school will be finished for me, until next term. YAY
Thursday is coming...

L' Loved can with the parties of the cake.
(i.e. Babelfish talk for: Aimee likes to eat lots of pie.)

Something else important happened today... I can't put my finger on it...

Knick knack. Paddy whack. Give a dog a bone. This old girl came driving home (all by herself, too!)

Independence. Happyface.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

35 Emails?

*feels loved*

*feels agitated because she can't find the one she wants*

*feels impatient because the internt cut out AGAIN!*

*feels happy because she just found out we're having meatloaf for dinner*

*feels like raging because school is consuming her like Pacman*

*feels deep-in-thought as she contemplates her sanity*

*feels cold because she has no shoes on*

*feels smart as she found out how her maths homework works*

*feels relieved because at least one exam is over now*

*feels exhausted from having to read Breaking Dawn and not wanting to*

*feels itchy because her hands are allergic to winter*

*feels sick because.... it's stress-related*

*feels like this blog is over. Talkin' 'bout you generation is on :)*


*feels pretty darn Happyface*

Friday, June 19, 2009


Rachel and I (and Mr. Zajac) have a club because we are awesom(ified). :)

This week has been good and bad and circular and not much of Nothing Much. Up down up down. Larissa's laugh would symbolise my life well.

The internet just cut out... I think. Oh. Never mind, it didn't.

Hehehe. Broke down like a girl with booty today. Lots of screaming and 'Everything hates me!' in my tantrums. Cue the contents of my bag spilling absolutely everywhere. Oh! Woe is me.

If I am truthful, though, it was pretty darn hilarious.

My eyes hurt with tired. They protest. Little wooden signs. 'Down with homework'.

Ah. Wouldn't that be fantastic to see?
English will be the death of me.
My supporting materials is much too wee.
Ms. Lovell shouldn't go to Canberry.

The jury of Nothing Much has spoken. 'Aimee should shut up and go to bed.'


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Moodle Cup

Just 'cause I am awesome like that, I used my moodle. :)

I have nothing to blog about. Oh! Woe is me.

"Do you ever?"

Haha. Shut up.

I want to go and hang out at Thursday... Anyone?

*everyone runs away as fast as they can*

Oh. :(

Feelin; kinda lonely, maybe that's just school. It's like an over-protective boyfriend. Screw that man! I'm breaking free!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. High School Musical!

And on that note: Happyface. (< Check out my awesome pun!)

Monday, June 15, 2009


Right now I'm just chillin', Dylan.

You two will be getting my psych bill in the mail.


Two more weeks until the holidays. I want to see Transformers and Year One. I want to go to parties. I want to drive myself around. I want to stay up late and sleep in. I want to watch sunsets and sunrises. I want a winter-romance. I want to be 17.


Maths (tick)
English (tick, because I'm not doing anymore. FIFF)
Biology (tick)
Nutrition (I'll live)
Chemistry (now I die.)

School makes me grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Oh! Woe is me! I'm that typically whiny teenaged one.

Daddy bought me a suprise? brb...
He bought us each a Freddo. :)

Good thing that, because I've eaten all my Musk Drops.

Freddo has really big hands. Has anyone else noticed this?

Peace and love and harmony and stuff. Chocolateface.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Out on the town.

My phone hates me. As does technology in general. I think there must be some anti-"Aimee successfully using technology" Law. I have a new phone and whenever someone rings it says that my status is "In a Call" so I think something must be wrong and end up either hanging up or putting the person on hold.

"Maybe you just fail?"

Tell me about it. I waste so much money on skilltesters. They also hate me. Oh! Woe is me!

Talking about technology, I want to buy a video camera and film lots of things :)

"Because you'll be able to use a video camera, so much better..."

Shut up voice.

I have decided I have three selfs. The adventurous/crazy one (the 'kid' one), the voice of reason, and the one that listens to the two arguing and laughs. I'm such nutcase, Masterchef could cook me (love that show.)

Bedtime. ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz


Friday, June 12, 2009


Yeah, bro. Gah. Take me now.

What happened today...?

Oh yeah, I planned my birthday party (for November lol). So get ready for the most epic tea party, that this world did ever see. Also I made nachoes again, I'll have to put up pictures of the first time I made it... :)

Guzzlin' Ibuprofen.
Like it's goin' out of fashion.
Guzzlin' Ibuprofen.
Vexed sea. Vexed sea.

Just a little verse from the Land of Nothing Much. You so want what I got!
Still figuring out exactly what that is.

Plans to hat. Hats to paint. Paints to plan.


RAWR!! Just to wake you up a little. :)

School drives me mad like my phone apparently sucks?

Don't ask me. Ask that sister-like one beside me (i.e. my sister.)

Bored yet?

Me too.

Night night.


Stacey! Get off of my phone, bro!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Icepacks and Ibuprofen...

... I think my eye is asleep.


'Why so sensible, Aimee?'

The couch tipped and fell on my head. I am feeling a little-teeny-weeny bit concussed. And in other news... Never mind, it's gone. Oh! Woe is me!

(No need for poetry when you're this stupid.)

Hullo there Jacynta and wyldmatt.

I am going to bed now, kind of crazy. I feel very tired.

'Maybe it has something to do with the couch falling on your head?'

Haha. Nah, I know that can't be it. :)

Repetitive like vowels in the word. Such a sorely missed friend, my dear Sanity. Typical drugged-up (on Ibuprofen) teenager? Hells to the yesm.

Lah Lah Lah. Concussedface.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hydrogen Kids.

I miss my friends, "food" and "sleep".

I went from 5am this morning to almost 4pm this afternoon, on 2 hours sleep, one cup of coffee, half a curried-egg sandwhich and one mandarin. I think that I deserve a medal. No wait, a trophy! No wait, a statue in my honour!! Or not.

On the bus coming home from school I collapsed into a little ball of sleep. It was awesome. I love my sleep almost as much as I hate coffee. :)

11.11 Make a wish.

I have demands. I don't want to make them though. Navy-coloured 'Ask-me'. Must I yell? And meanwhile 'nnoying boys make assumptions to make me scream. Why yes, 'tis longer?

How about now?

"Alack tis he; why he met even now mad as a vexed sea." - Cordelia (King Lear)

Hat painters and Painted hatters. I'll give you Mad!

Why must it always fall out in such disarray? Not making sense in the hours ahead.

See what lack of food and sleep results in? Hopefully this makes a U-ey in the near future and you cease to question the little sanity I value highly.

Noone cares. Oh! Woe is me. I don't care (what you think as long as it's about me.)

I just cross my fingers that it's good.

Sleep. Happyface.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I don't even like the taste of coffee.

But I could drink an urn of the stuff right now.

Why won't my sunflowers harvest?!? Oh. Woe is me.

I wish you wouldn't think that I want you to ask me to formal, I don't.

No shout out to noone in particular.

We all have a split personality, and to be frank, one of mine wants to run one of yours down with a steam roller (what sizes do these come in?)

All sense in my head, eggs on a page.

But wait... that's a lie.

Where's this going? East, I hope.
And a little to the North.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sentimental Jonathan (and canteen lines)

On this fine Tuesday of June, Nathan went a tad stir-crazy.
Or a lot.
He couldn't think of the word 'sentimental'. Poor kid. Glad you got it in the end :)

I learnt a good lesson today (five minutes ago rather). I often try to make it evident to my non-Christian friends that God is my priority. I succeed... in faling.

All day I have changed my mind, on how I am going to spend this coming Sunday, with going to church and then to the concert at night, on one hand, or stalking All Time Low all day in the city, on the other. The prospect of having a fun day out, stalking semi-famous tourists, put up a good fight. As far as my friends knew it won. But, alas, Aimee did change her mind again (this is becoming a problem of mine...). :) :) :)

Catherine doesn't like to go to the canteen with me, I can never decide which poor quality and over-priced meal is most enticing. She gets frustrated with me. (I secretly giggle at her in the corner, making the decision take even longer.)

Not to worry. Now that I have changed my mind again, I can give Tiddy a lift. And all was well in the Land of Nothing Much.

iTunes. Happyface.

Monday, June 1, 2009

For the Irish. For the French. (FIFF)

I'm sorry Mr. Happy blog. You die, tonight.

I'm too exhausted for school these days. It's mainly English that's dragging me down, too. Grrr... English. So. Much. Work. Aimee. Goes. Mad.

Hanging out for the weekend so badly. Wishing the Sundays on forever.

I'm such a whiny teenaged one. Oh! Woe is me!

Also, hi to Kristyn who now follows my 'was-once-happy-but-now-isn't' blog.

We got our invites to formal today. Which is good and all, but I need a partner.
Need is the wrong word... 'want' would be more suitable. I'm looking for lust, not love. So typically teenage.

English Oral and Essay to get out of the way plus the supporting materials also for English. After that it's smooth sailing into the holidays.

English. Hey, how's it going?... Good? Cool cool... *boom*

Woah! Where'd that anvil come from?

I've lost it like a pair of keys. I am so mad, I should paint.

Hmm. Blahface.